Chris Johnson
Mississippi State Senator/Entrepreneur
Mississippi State Legislature
Hattiesburg, MS

Chris Johnson has an entrepreneurial spirit and passion for public service and has served in the Mississippi Legislature since 2016: currently serving in the Mississippi State Senate for the 2020-24 term and in the House of Representatives for the 2016-2020 term. One of the youngest members of the Mississippi Senate, Chris is chairman of the constitution committee and vice chairman of the finance committee. Chris has supported legislation to eliminate corporate franchise tax, reduce individual income tax, and protect the rights of local farmers. Overall, he secured over $10M for economic development projects and infrastructure for District 45. The Hattiesburg American newspaper named him as a "Top 12 Under 40.” In addition to his involvement in local government, Chris is a financial services and real estate entrepreneur. Having previously held president and treasurer positions, Chris is a member of his alma mater’s Forrest County Agricultural High School Foundation, one of Mississippi’s last agriculture-focused K-12 institutions. Chris has previously acted as the treasurer and secretary of the Carnes Rural Water Board to oversee the expansion of the water system to provide community water to several thousand rural households. He is a graduate of The University of Southern Mississippi. Chris is a Fellow of the Civil Society Fellowship - founded in partnership of ADL and the Aspen Institute - and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network.